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This is a site comprised of a personal collection of notes and information serving as a single reference place for examples, tips, codes, testing, instructions, workarounds and troubleshooting with a record of external links to help during web design or managing and maintaining mobile devices and PC. I'm not a novice nor an expert...just a LittleBitGeeky here on blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Google Calendar Not Syncing with Android Phone [solved]

The Problem:

All of a sudden, my Google Calendar on PC would not sync with my Android app on my Samsung Galaxy smartphone. It didn't matter if I was on Wifi or 4G data either. I've been using this calendar on both devices for many many years and with several different phones, and have never had this problem.  Yes, it always need more features or options, but it's always faithfully synced...until now.

I have spent hours, even days on searching for a solution and I've read about all different kinds of fix's in Android forums that just really make no sense to me, ie uninstalling Facebook or downloading some 3rd party sync app.  A light bulb went off over my head one morning and I figured out a simple solution on how to regain calendar sync on my own.

The Fix: 

Simply TURN OFF POWER SAVING MODE on the Galaxy phone, then hit "sync now" in the calendar menu. Thats it! The issue is resolved.

The Cause:

I have noticed that several operations on the phone are disabled when power saving mode is turned on. There is even a message that pops up when you do turn it on. It seems to me that particular functions that are affected have changed after a major operating system update, because my calendar always synced before no matter what my power saving settings were. In any case, turning off power saving mode on my Galaxy phone and manually syncing has solved the problem.

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